To start getting to know each other while waiting to have the pleasure of meeting, let’s share a bit of our story together.

Rocked by memories of unforgettable camping holidays, we felt the desire to evolve in the tourism professions in order to be able to offer
our turna unique and memorable vacation.
It is above all afamily project:Olivier, Peggy, Julia and Thomas.
We fell in love with the charming medieval village ofBrassac.
The natural environment, the quality of welcome of the people of Brassagais, the living environment and the riches of the Tarn: all the arguments for leaving our suitcases there…
June 2022
New owners of Domaine du Camboussel.
January 2024
New managersfrom Camping de La Lande.
Dear vacationers,
Experience your vacation surrounded by a teamwatchfulAndwarm.
Share moments ofpleasure and offriendliness.
Julia, our daughter,sports study withthe PRO dance school"EPSE DANCE" in Montpellier, graduated inanimationAndDEUST STAPS.
It will therefore make you sweat with theadult sports entertainment, will also offer youheritage outings, of theaperitif games Andshows.
She will also bemanager of Camping La Lande.
Thomas, our son, currentlyBAFA.
He will therefore take care of yourlittle bits of cabbage with themini club.
He will also prepare very goodpizzaAndhamburgers.
Olivier, THESwiss knife. He will watch youpool,
will preparegood little dishes and will also maintain ourmagnificent site.
Peggy will have the pleasure of youto welcome
from youindicate must-see sites and will make youto dancewith the initiations inrock,bachataAndline dancing (madison, kuduru and jerusalema).
Stephane, will maintainour magnificent sites.
You will also find it atsnack bar
or he will prepare very goodcocktails.


Le social and solidarity tourism
Defend the values ofsocial and solidarity tourismby turning towards a tourism ofquality,sustainable,respectful of the environment
andlive together…a right to vacation for all.
In this approach, around theHoliday Journey association, we are signatories of theAffinity Charter for Social and Family Tourism whose objective is to “democratizeAndfacilitateaccess tovacation for all, without discrimination, based on the principles ofsolidarityand oflive together".
This commitment is reflected on a daily basis by:
Of theaccessible staysto as many people as possible (notably thanks to our partnerships with social organizations, associations
social tourism and works councils),
Aentertainment programwith stay contentrichAndvariedencouraging thediscovery, exchangesintergenerational
and thediversity social,
The development of partnerships withlocal economic actors promoting the preservation of the local economic fabric and the
development of the territory,
Actions for theprotectionand therespectofthe environment,
Special consideration given to thewell-beingof our vacationers and our teams.
Throughout your stay, we strive topromote conviviality, THEpleasure, THEcomfort, THElive together…for a successful vacation for everyone!